Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Day Card

Here is a Valentine's Card that I made, not sure who it's for at this point. It could be for my husband or my son. It's pretty simple. I used that same frame as I did in the birthday card I made this weekend. I've had these glittery hearts and paper for a while and haven't done anything with them. I like the way it turned out, the simplicity if it. I am in the mood to create more things today and even maybe scrapbook some pages, but I'm not sure I have the time. I have a job I have to get back in today and I'm still typing on it and still have to proof it. Not sure I'm going to get everything done that I want to get done today. That's nothing new. I am so behind on Grayson's albums. I have 2004 complete, his first year, but I've still got some to go on 2005 and on. 2005 is not too far off, but I have a few done here and there after that. I would love to get 2005 finished and start on 2006. I really want to get caught up this year. Maybe I will have some pages to post this week.